Managers often face the challenge of cultivating responsible behaviors that lead to effective decisions that align with the strategic goals of the organization. This article presents a method of combining an ethical behavior management model with a decision model to form a more comprehensive, ethical behavior-based decision-making model. The authors apply this new model from a theoretical perspective to controversial decisions made by managers within the healthcare, technology, and retail management industries to reveal how this model may have led to better decisions. Discussed are responsible behaviors in organizations associated with decision making followed by grounding the Negative Synergy Group Decision Model in the traditional theories of Rational, Bounded Rationality, Intuitive, and Normative. What emerges is an ethical decision making criterion that combines the Responsible Behavior in Organizations Model with the Negative Synergy Group Decision Model to shape major decisions. This new Ethically Responsible Decision-Making Model (ERDM) may provide a more comprehensive set of inputs into the decision making process for management at all levels of an organization. |
Updated 03/19/2014