It has been a great challenge for every Chief Information Office to measure the success of Business intelligence (BI) in business environment. Especially, it's complicated and sometimes impossible to justify its huge investment by applying conventional methods for evaluating project like capital budgeting techniques. However, the popularity and wide-adoption in management process has been evidenced by the tremendous growth in the needs of such information systems. Business intelligence has become an important means at many large companies as managers at different levels realize that by integrating all the information flows produced into a single and centralized dataset and using BI systems, managers can improve the decision making quality and consequently increase competitive advantages of their firm. Therefore, it's critical for business to develop a method used to measure the success of BI implementations. In this paper, a research model has been proposed to measure the success of BI. First, the literature review regarding previous instruments that being used in closely related areas was summarized. Second, the proposed model was presented in greater detail. Third, two different measuring models were illustrated by their corresponding formulas depending on whether system decider and user acceptance processes occur at the same time (case I) or one by one (case II). Finally, research questions and hypotheses were addressed. . |
Updated 03/19/2014