Do Graduate Students Think They Can Communicate? What Are Their Perceptions Of Their Communication Competencies?

Kathy L. Hill, Sam Houston State University
Gurinder Mehta, Sam Houston State University

Communication competency has been emphasized and researched by communication and business professors for many years. Many studies concentrate on what employers are looking for, how to present these skills to business students, and how students perceive the relevance of these communication skills. Our study compared how business graduate students rated their own level of competency at the beginning and end of a required managerial communication course. These students, from two public universities, were asked to rate themselves on 35 communication skills that are addressed in the course. The skills included interpersonal relations, listening, speaking, asking, and answering questions, team communication, interviewing, meeting management, and writing routine documents, reports, and proposals. The assessment instrument consisted of 5-point Likert-type scales. Pre-post comparisons were made for each of the 35 skills in an attempt to determine the extent to which self-perceptions changed because of taking the course. Findings indicate that students felt their level of competency had positively changed for all the skills.

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Updated 03/19/2014