SM2 -> Service Innovation & Performance
Time: 7:30AM to 9:00 AM on Friday, July 12
Place: Palma I
Session Chair: Xiande Zhao, China
A Joint Optimal Control Strategy for Fare Pricing and Seat Inventory Control Decisions for an Airline with Demand Leakages
by: Syed A. Raza, Qatar University (Corresponding)
Khurrum Jahangir Sharif, Qatar University
The Effects of Intellectual Capital on E-Service Innovation
by: Shih-Wen Liao, Yaun Ze University
Ja-Shen Chen, Yuan Ze University (Corresponding)
Impact of Customer Traffic and Service Outsourcing on Service Triad Performance
by: Olga Perdikaki, Texas A&M University
Xiaosong Peng, University of Houston
Gregory Heim, Texas A & M University (Corresponding)

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Updated 07/09/2013