2013 Southeastern InfORMS Conference Proceedings
Author Index

Note: Paper titles shown as links are links to the respective papers.   Others are papers that appear in the conference Program, but were not submitted for publication in the Proceedings.   In the case of a panel, tutorial or workshop, the session title is reported.
Aasheim, Cheryl  
  • Big Data and Data Science: An Academic Program Proposal  
  • Development and Testing of a Survey Instrument to Assess Ethical Perceptions of IT and IS StudentsPages 217 to 241
Aderonmu, Omosalewa  
  • Development and Testing of a Survey Instrument to Assess Ethical Perceptions of IT and IS StudentsPages 217 to 241
Aggarwal, A.K.  
  • Digital Media as a Case Study ToolPages 485 to 487
Anderson, Jamie  
  • Bond Indenture Consent Solicitations, Agency Issues, and Shareholder Wealth  
Andrews, Robert L.  
  • Panel: Encouraging the Proper Communication Skills for Our StudentsPages 495 to 500
  • Workshop: Fundamental Statistical Analysis for a Future with Big DataPages 58 to 62
  • Workshop: Office 2013: There Is a Lot to LikePages 488 to 489
Andrews, Wilma  
  • Panel: Encouraging the Proper Communication Skills for Our StudentsPages 495 to 500
  • Workshop: Digital Literacy Course RedesignPages 492 to 494
  • Workshop: Fundamental Statistical Analysis for a Future with Big DataPages 58 to 62
  • Workshop: Office 2013: There Is a Lot to LikePages 488 to 489
  • Workshop: Stop Death by PowerPoint at Conference PresentationsPage 490
Ang, David S.  
  • Playing the Lottery?Pages 448 to 457
Angelidis, John P.  
  • The Decision to Implement or Not to Implement an Activity-Based Costing System: A Managerial PerspectivePages 314 to 321
Arora, Anshu Saxena  
  • A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Brand Commitment: How Do International Cultures Perceive Unique Brand Elements?  
  • From Made in China to Branded in China  
  • The Influence of the Incongruence of Country-of-Origin and Country-of-Manufacture on Consumers' Purchase Intention for Diffusion Branding  
  • Live or Die: Measuring Slice-of-Life vs. Slice-of-Death Advertising Appeals as Vehicles for Corporate Social Responsibility  
  • Product Promotion and Placement in Motion Pictures: A Blake Conceptual Framework  
  • The Role of Social Media in the Arab Spring (Case Study: Tunisia)  
  • Sustainable Australia - Sustainable Communities  
  • Veiled Signs of Sexual Advertising  
Barrett, Robert T.  
  • Teaching Teamwork: An Assessment Strategy to Foster Student Collaboration  
Beggs, Joyce M.  
  • A Preliminary Examination of Communication Content, Leadership Styles, and Job SatisfactionPages 356 to 358
Benton, James E.  
  • National Banking Sector Linkages: Did the Global Financial Meltdown Strengthen or Weaken The Linkages?Page 123
  • Relative Impact of the 2003 Tax Act on Average Returns: Firms That Pay Dividends versus Firms That Repurchase Shares?Page 41
Black, Janice A.  
  • Experiential Learning Exercise for Organizations: Public, Non-government, Private, or Nonprofit  
  • Is a Colleges Mission Reflected in Faculty Research  
  • Panel: Publisher-Provided versus Instructor-Built Classroom Management Software  
Blake, Sierra D.  
  • Product Promotion and Placement in Motion Pictures: A Blake Conceptual Framework  
Bradberry, Caleb Z.  
  • The Effectiveness of Techniques in User Compliance of IT PolicyPages 251 to 267
Bullen, Maria L.  
  • Accounting Major Program Assessment: Improving Curriculum Performance with Major Specific Exit ExaminationsPages 2 to 12
  • Using Rubrics as a Teaching Tool for Guiding Both Assessment and Improvement of Student Learning in Business SchoolsPages 13 to 23
Burney, Robert B.  
  • Accounting Practitioner Academic Conversion System (APACS) Using Securitization to Solve and Emerging Business Education Funding ProblemPages 24 to 27
  • Bitcoin: An Emerging Global Currency Without a Nation State Based Central Bank  
  • Dynamic Rebalancing Based Hedging of Exchange Rate Risk Using Currency ETFsPages 117 to 122
  • Panel: Publisher-Provided versus Instructor-Built Classroom Management Software  
Capener, Elizabeth  
  • Using Rubrics as a Teaching Tool for Guiding Both Assessment and Improvement of Student Learning in Business SchoolsPages 13 to 23
Cauley, Joseph M.  
  • Determining the Value of a Vote in the United States under the Electoral College Voting System Using Linear ProgrammingPages 458 to 463
Chalfant, MaryClaire  
  • Assessing Satisfaction in a New Campus Recreation Setting  
Cherry, Brittany  
  • Sustainable Australia - Sustainable Communities  
Clark, Paul  
  • Assessing Satisfaction in a New Campus Recreation Setting  
Clay, Keely D.  
  • Teaching Girl Scouts Sustainability Designs in Engineering Apparel Textile Technology  
Conway, Daniel G.  
  • College Football's Home-Field AdvantagePages 193 to 194
Crandall, Richard E.  
  • Additive Manufacturing - a Manufacturing Innovation Whose Time Has ComePages 395 to 403
  • Using the SWOT Matrix to Address Supply Chain Vulnerabilities: Thoughts on Aligning Strategy with Crisis ManagementPages 322 to 337
Crandall, William R.  
  • Additive Manufacturing - a Manufacturing Innovation Whose Time Has ComePages 395 to 403
  • Using the SWOT Matrix to Address Supply Chain Vulnerabilities: Thoughts on Aligning Strategy with Crisis ManagementPages 322 to 337
Dunn, Jr., John H.  
  • The Labor Force Participation Rate: An Examination of the Determinants of Its Recent Precipitous DeclinePages 100 to 116
Ewell, Paul L.  
  • The Impact of Evolutionary Shifts in Supply Chain Modalities on Geographic, Environmental and Socioeconomic Climates in Rural Areas: A Field Study  
Ewell, Sandra Ewell  
  • The Impact of Evolutionary Shifts in Supply Chain Modalities on Geographic, Environmental and Socioeconomic Climates in Rural Areas: A Field Study  
Fazio, John J.  
  • Strategic Collaborations and High Performance Organization SynergyPages 140 to 154
Fine, Monica  
  • Assessing Satisfaction in a New Campus Recreation Setting  
Finlay, Nikki McIntyre  
  • Critical Andragogy and the Teaching of the Principles of Economics CoursesPages 63 to 64
Fortson, Gay  
  • From Made in China to Branded in China  
Gibbs, Sharon C.  
  • Using Prompted Reflections in Leadership Courses: Picture This!Pages 268 to 279
Goss, Esther Stegall  
  • Tools for Building a Solid Foundation at Small to Mid Size General Contractors: Techniques for Improved Accountability and Analysis of Construction Work  
Guiler, Jeff  
  • The Impact of Unions on How China Does Business: Lessons to Learn from the United States?  
Harrell-Cook, Gloria J.  
  • Workshop: The Learning Club: Enhancing Management Education Through Experiential Learning in Student Organizations  
Ho, Johnny C.  
  • Playing the Lottery?Pages 448 to 457
Huang, Ming-Chang  
  • Apply Service Oriented Architecture with Web 2.0 Application for Computer Network Web ServicesPages 242 to 250
  • A Load Service Structure in Ad-hoc Computer NetworksPages 195 to 209
Ibrahim, Nabil A.  
  • The Decision to Implement or Not to Implement an Activity-Based Costing System: A Managerial PerspectivePages 314 to 321
Jarrell, Craig  
  • A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Brand Commitment: How Do International Cultures Perceive Unique Brand Elements?  
Jernigan III, I. Edward  
  • A Preliminary Examination of Communication Content, Leadership Styles, and Job SatisfactionPages 356 to 358
Jones, Bangone  
  • Sustainable Australia - Sustainable Communities  
Kang, Bomi  
  • Advancing Facilitators and Deterrents Theory of Students' Study-Abroad DecisionsPages 359 to 386
  • Panel: Publisher-Provided versus Instructor-Built Classroom Management Software  
Katzan, Jr., Harry  
  • Essentials of Tablet ComputingPages 302 to 308
  • Introduction to Attribute Based Access ControlPages 427 to 433
Keasler, Terrill R.  
  • Bond Indenture Consent Solicitations, Agency Issues, and Shareholder Wealth  
Keller, Christopher M.  
  • College Football's Home-Field AdvantagePages 193 to 194
Kheirandish, Reza  
  • Heuristic Strategies in Business Decision-MakingPages 446 to 447
King, Christina  
  • Live or Die: Measuring Slice-of-Life vs. Slice-of-Death Advertising Appeals as Vehicles for Corporate Social Responsibility  
Kochman, Ladd M.  
  • Market Efficiency and Recreational Betting  
Kordecki, Gregory S.  
  • Accounting Major Program Assessment: Improving Curriculum Performance with Major Specific Exit ExaminationsPages 2 to 12
  • Using Rubrics as a Teaching Tool for Guiding Both Assessment and Improvement of Student Learning in Business SchoolsPages 13 to 23
Krippel, Gregory L.  
  • Accounting Practitioner Academic Conversion System (APACS) Using Securitization to Solve and Emerging Business Education Funding ProblemPages 24 to 27
  • Advanced AIS Content and Pedagogy According to the Literature and the Governing Bodies  
La Roche, Claire Reeves  
  • Digital Privacy: Think Twice Before You Tweet!Pages 479 to 484
Latta, Michael  
  • Bringing Tourists to the Grand Strand during Holiday SeasonPages 175 to 186
  • Is a Colleges Mission Reflected in Faculty Research  
  • Panel: Publisher-Provided versus Instructor-Built Classroom Management Software  
  • Privacy and Security on the Web Have Marketers and the Federal Government Gone Too FarPages 434 to 445
Lightner, Carin A.  
  • Using a Tabu Search Approach to Align DNA SequencesPages 464 to 478
Lightner, Constance A.  
  • Using a Tabu Search Approach to Align DNA SequencesPages 464 to 478
Lin, Jasmin C.  
  • The Evaluation of Apps Teaching and Student Learning  
  • Factors That Influence Women When Purchasing a Business Format Franchise  
  • The Impact of Unions on How China Does Business: Lessons to Learn from the United States?  
Litzinger, Patrick J.  
  • The Labor Force Participation Rate: An Examination of the Determinants of Its Recent Precipitous DeclinePages 100 to 116
Lockley, Maurie  
  • Workshop: Digital Literacy Course RedesignPages 492 to 494
Lowry, George S.  
  • Learning Outcome Action-Verbs: Mapping Perceptions of Learning to Bloom's Taxonomy  
Marrero, Korak  
  • From Made in China to Branded in China  
Mattare, Martha M.  
  • Workshop: The Learning Club: Enhancing Management Education Through Experiential Learning in Student Organizations  
Mattia, Angela M.  
  • A Framework for User Participation Approaches to Information Systems DevelopmentPages 210 to 216
  • Technology and Innovation: The Catalyst for Educational ChangePages 309 to 313
Maysami, Ramin Cooper  
  • MOOC It! Do Massive Open Online Courses Define the Future of Education?  
McGrath, Leanne C.  
  • Learning Project Management Through SimulationPages 404 to 407
Mckinney, Arlise P.  
  • Panel: Publisher-Provided versus Instructor-Built Classroom Management Software  
Megehee, Carol M.  
  • Advancing Facilitators and Deterrents Theory of Students' Study-Abroad DecisionsPages 359 to 386
  • National Competitiveness, Government Regulatory Reform, and GDP GrowthPages 387 to 388
Merrill, Timothy W.  
  • Learning Outcome Action-Verbs: Mapping Perceptions of Learning to Bloom's Taxonomy  
Mills, Jr., Richard J.  
  • Current Trends and Marketing Implications in Restaurant and Hotel Rating Systems  
Mitchell, Mark A.  
  • Bringing Tourists to the Grand Strand during Holiday SeasonPages 175 to 186
Mitchell, Sheila J.  
  • Accounting Practitioner Academic Conversion System (APACS) Using Securitization to Solve and Emerging Business Education Funding ProblemPages 24 to 27
Mlinar, Michael  
  • Panel: Business Partnerships: Educating Students Outside the Classroom (Pros and Cons)  
Monahan, Michael L.  
  • Workshop: Enhancing Critical Thinking in the Classroom Though Blooms Taxonomy  
Monroe, Richard W.  
  • Supply Chain Sustainability and the Triple Bottom LinePages 389 to 394
Motley, Darlene G.  
  • The Impact of Unions on How China Does Business: Lessons to Learn from the United States?  
Mousavi, Shabnam  
  • Heuristic Strategies in Business Decision-MakingPages 446 to 447
Narayanaswamy, Ravi S.  
  • Learning Project Management Through SimulationPages 404 to 407
Nazemi, Ali A.  
  • Using Prompted Reflections in Leadership Courses: Picture This!Pages 268 to 279
Neal, Jerry  
  • The College Experience for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities: The Thrive Program at the University of Central MissouriPages 78 to 98
Nefatni, Amel  
  • The Role of Social Media in the Arab Spring (Case Study: Tunisia)  
Nelson, Jeremiah  
  • Alliance Management; A Progression Towards Sustainable High Performance PartnershipsPages 501 to 522
Niles, Nancy J.  
  • A Literature Review of Workplace Bullying: A Serious Organizational ProblemPages 408 to 426
Novin, Adel M.  
  • Enhancing Students' Understanding of the Economic Impact of Business Transactions on Financial Statements and Financial Ratios with Excel  
Nowlin, McKean  
  • Panel: Publisher-Provided versus Instructor-Built Classroom Management Software  
O'Malley, Jr., John R.  
  • Tutorial: Evaluation, Assessment, and Accreditation, Oh My!Page 491
Olson, Patrick C.  
  • Dimensions of Big Data for Small Business  
Palvia, Prashant  
  • The Effectiveness of Techniques in User Compliance of IT PolicyPages 251 to 267
Parham, Quest  
  • From Made in China to Branded in China  
Parsa, Faramarz  
  • The Decision to Implement or Not to Implement an Activity-Based Costing System: A Managerial PerspectivePages 314 to 321
Pfitzner, Charles B.  
  • Performance on the PGA Tour: A Statistical AnalysisPages 187 to 192
Pham, Ly L.  
  • Jumping Over the Border, Why Not?: Examining the Advantages and Disadvantages of International AcquisitionsPages 124 to 139
Pollard, William B.  
  • Elucidate Process Costing with Streamlined NumbersPage 28
  • Teaching Cost Accounting: Developing a Problem for Transitioning from the Absorption to the Direct Income StatementPage 40
Pope, James A.  
  • Workshop: Planning for RetirementPage 99
Rauch, Dennis A.  
  • An Application of Statistics: Using the "Moneyball" Story in a Basic Statistics CoursePages 65 to 70
Repack, Diana  
  • Factors That Influence Women When Purchasing a Business Format Franchise  
Repack, William  
  • Factors That Influence Women When Purchasing a Business Format Franchise  
Riddle, Emma Jane  
  • Integrating Study Abroad Into a Business Curriculum: A Case StudyPages 71 to 77
Rudd II, Denis Patrick  
  • Using Synchronous Distance Learning Technology in Hospitality and Tourism Programs  
Rudd, Denis P.  
  • Current Trends and Marketing Implications in Restaurant and Hotel Rating Systems  
  • Using Synchronous Distance Learning Technology in Hospitality and Tourism Programs  
Russell, Roberta S.  
  • The Evolution of Sustainability as a Corporate ImperativePage 523
Rutner, Paige  
  • Development and Testing of a Survey Instrument to Assess Ethical Perceptions of IT and IS StudentsPages 217 to 241
Santella, Tony  
  • Panel: Business Partnerships: Educating Students Outside the Classroom (Pros and Cons)  
Schaeffer, Donna M.  
  • Dimensions of Big Data for Small Business  
  • iPads, iPhones, and Implications on Students' Critical Thinking  
Schnurr, Norman  
  • Current Trends and Marketing Implications in Restaurant and Hotel Rating Systems  
Secrest, Thomas W.  
  • Bitcoin: An Emerging Global Currency Without a Nation State Based Central Bank  
Seidenfuss, Kai-Uwe  
  • Cultural Factors and Project Management Success: A Multinational Study for the United States, Germany and JapanPages 338 to 355
Shah, Amit J.  
  • Workshop: Enhancing Critical Thinking in the Classroom Though Blooms Taxonomy  
Shead, Ariel  
  • Fraudulent Accounting: SEC Charges Thornburg for Fraudulent Accounting  
Shin, Allen  
  • Re-Examination of the Stock Market Reactions to Federal Funds Rate Changes  
Showalter, Edward D.  
  • Learning Outcome Action-Verbs: Mapping Perceptions of Learning to Bloom's Taxonomy  
Shurden, Michael C.  
  • Panel: Business Partnerships: Educating Students Outside the Classroom (Pros and Cons)  
Sigerstad, Thomas D.  
  • Workshop: Enhancing Critical Thinking in the Classroom Though Blooms Taxonomy  
Soisson, Eileen D.  
  • Does Customer Service Belong in Higher Education?Pages 155 to 174
Spurrier, Randall R.  
  • Workshop: Transforming Traditionally Taught Accounting Programs for the Internet  
Stancil, John L.  
  • Territorial vs. Worldwide Tax Systems - Implications for U. S. TaxpayersPages 29 to 39
Stith-Willis, Annie M.  
  • Panel: Encouraging the Proper Communication Skills for Our StudentsPages 495 to 500
Storm, Joerg  
  • Cultural Factors and Project Management Success: A Multinational Study for the United States, Germany and JapanPages 338 to 355
Stowe, Charles R.B.  
  • Teaching Teamwork: An Assessment Strategy to Foster Student Collaboration  
Teets, Jay M.  
  • The Evolution of Sustainability as a Corporate ImperativePage 523
Tomic, Igor  
  • The Decision to Implement or Not to Implement an Activity-Based Costing System: A Managerial PerspectivePages 314 to 321
Tseng, Tzu-Liang  
  • Playing the Lottery?Pages 448 to 457
Twigg, Nicholas W.  
  • Experiential Learning Exercise for Organizations: Public, Non-government, Private, or Nonprofit  
  • Panel: Publisher-Provided versus Instructor-Built Classroom Management Software  
Vickson, Jessica J.  
  • Are Superfluous Costs Viable? Preparing for Post-Panamax Cargo Ships at the Port of Savanna.  
  • The Dynamics of Autism: Meeting the Social & Economic Challenge  
Wang, Daisy  
  • The Evaluation of Apps Teaching and Student Learning  
Wang, Jin  
  • Determining the Value of a Vote in the United States under the Electoral College Voting System Using Linear ProgrammingPages 458 to 463
Wang, Zhongxian  
  • Collecting and Interpreting Data over Varying Types of Data Streams  
Ware, Sacriana  
  • Veiled Signs of Sexual Advertising  
Wathen, Samuel A.  
  • An Application of Statistics: Using the "Moneyball" Story in a Basic Statistics CoursePages 65 to 70
Weible, Rick  
  • Creating a Business Intelligence and Analytics Schedule of CoursesPages 286 to 301
  • Justification for Creating a Business Intelligence and Analytics ProgramPages 42 to 57
Wendt, William M.  
  • MOOC It! Do Massive Open Online Courses Define the Future of Education?  
White, Dominique  
  • The Role of Social Media in the Arab Spring (Case Study: Tunisia)  
Wood, Carol P.  
  • Panel: Business Partnerships: Educating Students Outside the Classroom (Pros and Cons)  
Woodside, Arch G.  
  • National Competitiveness, Government Regulatory Reform, and GDP GrowthPages 387 to 388
Yao, Yao  
  • The Influence of the Incongruence of Country-of-Origin and Country-of-Manufacture on Consumers' Purchase Intention for Diffusion Branding  
Zhang, Aimao  
  • Evaluation of First Year Experience ProgramPages 280 to 285
Ziegenfuss, Douglas E.  
  • Workshop: Transforming Traditionally Taught Accounting Programs for the Internet